Honky Tonk Laundry is a musical written by Roger Bean, creator of The Marvelous Wonderettes. The show, which uses some of the most beloved county songs of all time to relay its story, focusses on the struggles of two everyday women who run a laundromat.
The songs which help the ladies tell their story include: "Stand By Your Man"; "Independence Day"; "These Boots Were Made For Walkin'"; and "I Will Always Love You".
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Lana Mae runs the Wishy Washy Washateria, as owner of the laundromat, she deals with each customer one-on-one. When a distraught Katie enters the laundromat one morning after losing her job and breaking up with her boyfriend, Lana Mae befriends her. After a Valium to take the edge off, Katie calms down and shares her story of heartbreak with Lana Mae, who commiserates and shares her own story with Katie. After some more talk, Katie asks about the "Help Wanted" sign in the window and takes the job. Through their work, the women help one another discover their strength and muster up the courage to stand up to the men in their lives. Katie also helps Lana Mae move toward her dream of being a country western singer.
The second act is the first performance in the newly-redecorated Wishy Washy Washateria, now referred to as the Honky Tonk Laundry. As the two women perform various country music hits, they assert themselves as strong and independent single women.
Nine to Five | Sin Wagon |
I've Got A Right To Cry | Heartbreak Express |
I Need A Vacation | Coat of Many Colors |
Why'd You Come In Here Lookin' Like That? | Shattered Image |
Stand By Your Man | Big Deal |
Independence Day | Take It Back |
Long Time Gone | Potential New Boyfriend |
Better Things To Do | PMS Blues |
Cleopatra, Queen of Denial | Grane Ole Laundry Medley: Fist City/I Fall To Pieces/D-I-V-O-R-C-E/Yodeling At The Grand Ole Opry |
Jolene | I Will Always Love You |
Men Don't Change | Goodbye Earl |
These Boots Were Made For Walkin' |